A Plan For Uncertain Times

These days there is not a lot of exciting things to talk about regarding travel.  The tourist industry has taken the hardest hit ever and most vacationers already know this.  My interest was in planning bespoke itineraries and adventurous trips, but now, such activities I can only hope to resume in the future.  When is anyone’s guess.  In this time of uncertainty, it has become clear that an action plan is necessary in order for me to remain positive and forward thinking.  Obviously, these are uncertain times, and that begs the question, where do I go from here? Here on the island, I have occupied myself with other interests such as baking, vegetable gardening, long morning walks and evening exercise classes, but there is only so much of that that I want to do.  Although restrictions have all but disappeared, who really want to mix and mingle while the probability of being infected is still very much possible?  I, for one do not.

It is often said, “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.”  Granted, no one could have predicted the gravity of the situation, and the extent or lengths it would take.  Most believed the scourge would be short lived, and not even the toll on our mental health was a consideration at the beginning of the pandemic.  However, proportionately the tide has changed on that reality.

Fixing one’s state of mind may be hard to do from person to person.  Afterall, keepng a positive attitude can be a struggle for some more than others, as more and more daily stressors come to light.  Of course, the protracted remedy and uncertainties of the future do not alleviate the daily anguish persons may encounter.  While I do not pretend to have an answer to the anomalies and enigmas that confront us, I understand and am acutely aware that the pressure seems unending.  BUT (Behold the Underlying Truth), there is a daily plan you can use that will bring you comfort, give you assurances like no other, and keep your mental health in check.  That plan is spending time in the Word of God.  Within the pages of the Bible are numerous promises to claim, and a solid reassurance that we are never alone, not even in this pandemic.

Community Peeps, “How are you doing?” I hope all of you are taking every precaution to be safe, wearing your mask, sanitizing, and physical distancing.  Doing these things will help to protect you and someone else.  Keep your mind on positive, uplifting thoughts and avoid at all cost large gatherings.  Share your coping skills with me as they may have changed within the past months.  Write them in the comment box below so others may benefit too.

Readers, as usual, I invite you to click follow to receive timely updates, select like to show your love and support.  Share this post on your social media site.  Write your comment in the box below.  Your interest, time and attention are always appreciated.  Thank you for reading.

More times,

Itinerary Planner

8 thoughts on “A Plan For Uncertain Times

  1. its definitely touch in these times. Iv written about places I have been able to visit when travel was allowed/been eased, and also breaking down the various things you can do in the city you live ie. London for me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Certainly in a place like London there is tons of interesting things to do and see without leaving the country 😀. We all have to look at life differently especially under lockdown and make the best of what we have. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. Keep your chin up and continue explore and exam from a different perspective.


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